Kirby Funny Face Kirby Funny Face Pokerface
Meta Knight: powerful Star Warrior, can't fight against basic slapstick.
As a Moments page, all entries are Spoilers Off.
- In the "Kirby of the Stars" prototype/pilot, Ice Kirby uses his ability to freeze Dark Matter solid...who just stays where he is with an expression that just says "I am so done with this puffball and his shit"
◊. He keeps this expression as he's being frozen, and casually just falls out of the air when he's frozen entirely.
- Made even better by the fact that Dark Matter is the series' Knight of Cerebus! He's already lost three times, and he's probably thinking "This is what I've been reduced to: Kirby fodder."
- "How can I help you, King Dedede?"
- "I need a monster to CLOBBER THAT THERE KUHBEH!"
- "That's what we do best at NME!"
- "You better get it with a money-back guarantee!"
- Let's be generous and say that just about anything Ted Lewis says as King Dedede and Escargoon is going to land a few chuckles.
- The first episode has a pretty good one nearly out the gate:
- When Kabu predicts the arrival of the Star Warrior who will save Dreamland, Fumu/Tiff imagines a handsome knight in shining armor and gets heart-eyes. ("Kirby... Hmm, bet he's cute!") Then, when she sees what Kirby actually looks like, her preferred image shatters.
- In the first episode, the mayor and the rest of the Cappies hold a feast for Kirby's arrival. Kirby then proceeds to eat the entire table of food using his inhale ability (Including the tablecloth and utensils!), leaving the rest of the guests in utter silence.
- And Kirby's poker face right after takes the (figurative) cake.
- Episode 2 has Kirby's friends trying to build him his own house. After many trials and much tribulation, they succeed, only for Kirby to take up residence in the tree next door after Tokkori occupies the house.
- Meta Knight kicking Dedede's car down a hill — right after saying he was his most loyal servant.
- Although mostly known for its appearance in the Japanese version, Dedede and Escargoon's bickering as the car rolls down the hill in the English-dubbed version is good as well;
Meta Knight: Sire, it is my duty to warn you. Kirby has great power, now.
King Dedede: Yeah? Well, who's the king around here, you or me?
Escargoon: Move it or lose it!
Meta Knight: It pains me to do this, sire. But I am afraid... I must.
(Meta Knight kicks the tank down the hill as Dedede and Escargoon panic)
King Dedede: Hey, what's happening?!
Escargoon: We're going backwards!
Escargoon: They won't hold, we're gonna crash!
King Dedede: Do something!
Escargoon: Like what?!
(The Tank reverses off a nearby cliff and explodes off-screen)
- Although mostly known for its appearance in the Japanese version, Dedede and Escargoon's bickering as the car rolls down the hill in the English-dubbed version is good as well;
- In "Beware: Whispy Woods", when Tokkori refuses to check for a way out of the forest again, Tiff randomly starts clucking like a chicken. Coming from someone like her, it's just plain hilarious.
- In "Un-Reality TV," Dedede uses his televisions to brainwash almost everyone into attacking Kirby... including Kirby himself.
- Also, during the climax of the episode, when Dedede and Escargoon continue making the fake montage of a monster wrecking the city, Kirby appears off-screen and ends up looking disproportionately big compared to the town. This snaps people out of their hypnosis, and Chief Bookem says this:
Chief Bookem: Looks like somebody's been feeding Kirby steroids!
- An underrated bit is what happens when the show is taken off the air and it goes to "Technical Difficulties" screen. The Cappies all look at it bored, and then it turns out they were staring at it up until the morning, speaking volumes about the Cappy's collective intelligence.
"This show about rainbows has been on all morning."
- Also, during the climax of the episode, when Dedede and Escargoon continue making the fake montage of a monster wrecking the city, Kirby appears off-screen and ends up looking disproportionately big compared to the town. This snaps people out of their hypnosis, and Chief Bookem says this:
- Dedede's twisted version of "Old MacDonald" from Kirby's Egg-cellent Adventure, which he sings at a ridiculous speed as he's using his tank to draw a giant picture of Kirby eating Dyna Blade's egg (Complete with big goofy grin and oversized knife and fork) to get the giant bird to attack him:
- And later on in the same episode, when Tiff asks Meta Knight for advice on the matter. What really sells it is Tiff's "WTF" tone and expression upon hearing his reply, in the middle of a mostly-serious scene-
- "The Fofa Factor" is a cavalcade of comedy:
- The way Lady Like encourages Tuff to do his math homework:
Tuff: But Mom, who needs to know subtraction?
Lady Like: You do, when I "subtract" your allowance!
(Tuff gulps) - And shortly afterward, when the heroes try to ask where Fololo and Falala came from:
Lady Like: Uh... We found them in a cabbage patch, sweetie!
Sir Ebrum: Yes, the same place we got you and your brother from.
(The parents start pushing them out of the room)
Sir Ebrum: No need to concern yourselves with ancient history!
Lady Like: Too much thinking is bad for your brain.
Tuff: Does this mean I don't have to do my math homework?
Lady Like: Of course not, darling! (Shuts the door)
Tuff: You think we're gonna be weird like that when we get old?
Tiff: Probably. - We also get to see Tiff as a baby, and she still has her usual, vaguely annoyed expression even as an infant.
- The two parents discuss Fofa's origin in private, only to learn that Kirby was listening to the whole thing, and starts saying "Fololo...Falala...Fofa!" The two's reactions are what sells it. Sir Ebrum stares wide-eyed while Lady Like just glares at Kirby as if she's thinking He Knows Too Much. The next time we see them, they've taped Kirby's mouth shut, and he doesn't seem the least bit bothered.
- And also this gem when Escargoon is reading through Dedede's fortune.
King Dedede: Is it next week's lottery numbers?
Escargoon: If it was, I wouldn't tell you... *ahem* It says 'Your account is past due. Pay up, you cheap tightwad!' (Gets socked into the wall) Ow! - In said episode, there is this gutbusting exchange in the English dub:
NME Salesman: Today, we're offering preferred customers like you a free how-to video!
King Dedede: I'm a preferred customer?
NME Salesman: You bet!
King Dedede: Great!
Escargoon: (quietly, to himself) What must the others be like? - Dedede also takes this superpowerful, splitting monster into Cappy Town to swap all the townsfolk's heads with sheep. For no other reason than to be a dick over a vague fortune he got that morning.
- While the Monster of the Week is on its rampage, it causes Tokkori (a tiny bird) and Rick (a giant hamster) to switch heads, leading to the sight of a bird head on a hamster body and vice versa.
- After Kirby gets split into small male and female versions of himself, Escargoon comments that everyone probably has a male and female side to them. This leads to both Escargoon and Dedede imagining what a female version of the other character would look like. This makes them both shudder.
- Moments later, this split ends up happening to Dedede. The two sides promptly freak out.
- NME, Nightmare, the Big Bad who causes so much suffering in the series, laughing maniacally after telling the Salesman to cheat Dedede out of his money with a bad deal is certainly something.
- And then there's the flashback to when Sir Ebrum and Lady Like first found Fololo and Falala. Dedede is unimpressed with NME's two-for-one deal, so he just dumps them on the new parents. From Fofa's perspective, devastating, but with this quip in the mix? One of the best Black Comedy moments from the English dub.
Sir Ebrum: "Uh, but your majesty-!"
Lady Like: "We already have a brand new mouth to feed."
King Dedede: "Then you're lucky these two ain't got no mouths! *laughs*"
- The way Lady Like encourages Tuff to do his math homework:
- When Kirby has a nightmare in "The Pillow Case" (the very end), he jumps out of his bed Hanna-Barbera style screaming and runs out his house, then stops when he realizes he's awake. Meta Knight also cuts a pillow in half; revealing Noddy, the episode's NME monster.
- "A Fish Called Kine" piles on the fish and ocean-related puns like no tomorrow. The crowning one has to be Tuff, laughing at the idea of Tiff being a fish's girlfriend, suggesting that Kine could be Tiff's gill-friend.
- Most of Tiff's reactions to finding out Kine is her admirer are gold. When he confesses to sending the seashell love letter, Tiff dons a particularly hilarious expression of wide-eyed shock. And when Kine proposes that she move to live under the sea with him, she does a near Face Fault at the idea.
- The highlight of the episode has to be Dedede and Escargoon lampshading the absurdity of Tiff and Kine (apparently) dating:
King Dedede: I know folks say that opposites attract, but I never saw a couple that was this opposite!
Escargoon: It's the world's first surf 'n' turf relationship! - Escargoon calling Dedede a "deep-sea doofus" because of his snorkel.
- At the end of the episode, Kirby finds Dedede's goggles and snorkel. Kine proceeds to have an Imagine Spot about him and Tiff swimming together hand-in-fin, and proceeds to tell Tiff and Tuff about Kirby's find.
Tuff: That's great! Now you and Kine can go on a scuba date!
- In "Hour of the WolfWrath", King Dedede orders Waddle Dees to bring him food after they already brought him a lot of food earlier. As they do this, Waddle Doo sings this as he and Waddle Dees march:
- In "Hatch Me If You Can", when Kirby chases after the egg, the egg ends up where Rick is holding a leaf umbrella to shield Rick from the rain. Then the egg lands on Rick's head. Rick's expression before the egg hits Rick on the head is priceless. After that, the egg lands behind an unconscious Rick, with Rick having a Cranial Eruption. When Kirby reaches the egg, Rick comes to and after recognizing Kirby, Rick says this:
Rick: It's rainin' cats and dogs, but I never thought an egg'd drop on me head.
- The first time Kirby becomes Mike Kirby in episode 31. Even after warping him to their headquarters, seven monsters (ones often seen in Meta Knight's flashbacks) that were eagerly waiting to come at him with their jaws open found his singing too much for them to handle and explode from the pain suffered by hearing it, and the NME Salesman had to send him back. Let's put that into perspective: Kirby almost brought down Nightmare Enterprises via bad singing.
- Prior to Kirby, though, the Cappies were trying to sing oldies songs. Even earlier, Escargoon sang "Hound Dog".
- Kirby's mouth is inspected by Hardy, the dentist monster, and Hardy's surprised to find that Kirby has no teeth at all.
- What's more, this revelation shocks Hardy into a Villainous BSoD enough for Kirby to finish it off!
- This revelation becomes Hilarious in Hindsight considering Kirby was brushing his "teeth" with Tiff's family earlier in the episode. And diligently too, to the point Tiff comments that Tuff should get tooth-brushing lessons from Kirby.
- Kirby ends up eating a whole pack of Gijira extract, which is a highly potent spice or a hallucinogen, depending on which version you're watching. Once Kirby swallows the entire pack, he thinks EVERYONE is food, and ends up preparing cooking utensils with the intention of eating everyone.
- In Escar-Gone, Escargoon is forgotten by everyone in town due to a monster and, under the impression that everyone is faking ignorance as a prank, reports them to Chief Bookem. After the latter asks for Escargoon's name, confirming that he had forgotten him as well, this happens.
Escargoon: Why, you two-faced, doughnut-hoarding, hairy-lipped, double-crossing, no-good...
Chief Bookem: Uh, how do you spell that? - Seeing King Dedede and Escargoon get a Jaw Drop upon finding out that Knuckle Joe got hired as a monster manager at the beginning of Monster Management is truly hysterical in its own right. And that was just one of the times we got to see them doing that (see Tooned Out below)!
- In episode 41, Prediction Predicament - Part I, Dedede develops a massive fear of Kirby due to a dream. After he gets chased around the castle by Kirby, he decides to drive off to Mabel's shop to get his dream interpreted, and the protagonists watch him go.
Tuff: Wonder what Dedede's up to?
Tiff: Based on past experience, I think it's safe to say it's something stupid.- Really, Dedede's attempts to avoid Kirby.
- In "War of the Woods," during a visit by Kirby and his friends, Whispy tells about how trees can live for hundreds, if not, thousands of years. The kids were impressed, but Tokkori interrupts by quipping about how all trees do is stand around and do nothing... right next to Whispy Woods, which prompts the tree king to bash him with an apple.
- Episode 46/53, Scare Tactics - Part II makes shout-outs to various horror films, including Psycho, The Blair Witch Project and The Exorcist.
- The entirety of episode 49 (Cartoon Buffoon). It's filled with a ton of subtle and not-so-subtle jokes about animation.
- The end result — Dedede Comin' At Ya! (Hoshi no Dedede in Japanese). It's a seriously half-assed, poorly written and illustrated, hilariously hammy version of the first episode of the anime; except Dedede is Kirby and Kirby is the monster. Much hilarity ensues!
DEDEDE, that's the name you should know!
DEDEDE, he's the king of the show!
You'll holler and hoot / he'll give Kirby the boot!
DEDEDE is the one!- Meta Knight has lost friends to the war against Nightmare Enterprises, so one has to wonder what he (and for that matter, Tiff and Tuff) must be thinking when Dedede ropes him into voice-acting for a doofy cartoon sponsored by NME.
- HEHEHE, I AM A SUPAHSTAR WARRIAH. Best line in the episode.
- Someone even made an entire YouTube channel
based on that single line.
- Someone even made an entire YouTube channel
- Also, when Tiff goes off-script to criticize Kirby being made the villain, her cartoon self's lip flaps (for lack of a better word) match up with her speech perfectly. It's possible Dedede knew she would complain about it and wrote it into the script. Actually, for the whole argument they have, all the character's lines are perfectly in-sync with the cartoon. Even when Tiff tells Kirby that Dedede cheated them, the cartoon depicts Tiff talking to the giant, monstrous Kirby, who simply looks at the screen with malice before attacking Dedede when Kirby reacts.
- Similarly, Meta Knight's attempt at voice acting, particularly in the Japanese version:
- In the English dub, he instead says:
Meta Knight: Look, it is Fire Dedede! Our hero...! (mutters to the audience) I would never say that.
- Another fun fourth wall gag from the episode is the Iris Out. As everyone is enjoying the latest episode of Dedede Comin' At Ya! and the episode begins to fade out as usual, Kirby's colours suddenly vanish, leaving him as just a transparent line drawing. After realising and gesturing to the viewers in panic, a giant Duck Amuck-style paintbrush comes (over the black of the iris) and paints his usual color and shading back on.
- This episode was reanimated by fans. The reanimation is priceless
- The ending of episode 50 (Don't Bank on it).
- Nekodamashi
- In "Sweet and Sour Puss", Dedede's uncharacteristically acting like an extreme Mellow Fellow and All-Loving Hero, as a result being under the influence of the episode's NME monster, to the point everybody takes advantage of him from bopping him on the head with a hammer to making him eat Kawasaki's cooking. Well, up until it goes downhill anyways.
King Dedede: That's okay.
- The people of Cappy Town bopping Dedede with toy mallets to see if he reaches his Rage-Breaking Point. But what really sells it is that Iroo hits him with a golf club instead and Mabel pounds him with her crystal ball.
- On Channel DDD, when Escargoon asks Dedede about this sudden change of personality, Dedede answers that he's got love inside of him. Cue everyone reacting in shock from this, including a Waddle Dee fainting.
- The fact that Kirby participates in the hammering on Dedede's head for the sake of imitating everyone else. And he clobbers him repeatedly too.
King Dedede: (happily) I'm sure he got a good reason for clobberin' me!
- "This hallway needs a traffic light."
- The entirety of "A Half-Baked Battle", with almost everyone in the main cast getting hit by a pie in the face at least once. Even Meta Knight.
- In the English dub, right after that happens, he glances to the side and announces, "I feel... dirty".
- In the original Japanese version, Meta Knight states that the situation is terrible, since the Monster of the Week is taking every word as an insult. Tiff points out how he used the word "Terrible" resulting in Meta Knight freaking out briefly. The subtitles for this episode actually misinterpret him as saying "Oh, shi-!", making the scene even funnier if you act like he actually is.
- Tiff getting pied, as well. Throughout the episode, every time she's close to taking one to the face, Kirby ends up eating them before they can land. When Belly Buster starts lobbing pies, they arrive faster than Kirby can react and hit poor Tiff in the face. She's understandably miffed that Kirby didn't stop that one; it's like she wanted to go the whole episode without getting hit.
- And then there's her screaming and hilariously horrified and disgusted faces when Tiff tries eating a bit of the cream from the pie she got hit by with a finger, and realises it tastes absolutely foul.
- Chief Bookem singing Beethoven's 5th Symphony in eNeMeE Elementary. Or at least trying to.
- Really, Meta Knight's status as The Comically Serious lends itself well to these kinds of moments. Another example would be in Episode 61 (Fitness Fiend), where everyone else breaks into dancing with Max Flexer (Macho-San in Japanese) while he just stands there stiffly.
- Fitness Fiend, where NME saved the day by working Kirby out.
- In Japanese, there's Macho-San
(or Max Flexer in English).
- In Japanese, there's Macho-San
- In "Something to Sneeze At", Dedede finally gets a cold. His reaction is to run around Cappy Town announcing he has a cold. "I love being sick!"
- In The Chill Factor, there's Meta Knight in a penguin suit, posing as a guard.
- At the climax of the same episode, Tiff throws Kirby a potion and tells him to pour it into a volcano to make it erupt so the eternal winter made by the Pengies will end. As Kirby flies off to the volcano, intense music plays as Kirby arrives to the volcano and pours the potion... in the same way one would add a hot sauce to their food, complete with casual singing. Even the music cuts off for additional silliness. You can see it here
- At the climax of the same episode, Tiff throws Kirby a potion and tells him to pour it into a volcano to make it erupt so the eternal winter made by the Pengies will end. As Kirby flies off to the volcano, intense music plays as Kirby arrives to the volcano and pours the potion... in the same way one would add a hot sauce to their food, complete with casual singing. Even the music cuts off for additional silliness. You can see it here
- After a battle with a corrupt robotic delivery man sent by NME, Kirby completely obliterates it to continue his journey. Escargoon hears of this and his way of telling King Dedede is a borderline Bond One-Liner.
- In the climax of Dedede's Raw Deal, how is Kirby cured from his hiccups? Tiff simply says that if Kirby doesn't get rid of the hiccups, he will never eat again. Kirby's reaction is to simply freak out and jump in the air and spin, curing his hiccups. He then spins in the reverse way as he is coming down.
- In the English dub, the Island Sisters' (Twin Nuts in Japanese) song consists mostly of soprano singing along the lines of Léo Delibes' Flower Duet. In the Japanese version
however, their song is not only entirely different, but has lyrics; which are crammed with subtle Japanese wordplay referencing Nintendo and HAL Laboratories.
- This becomes even more amusing in hindsight, when an instrumental of said song
made it into Kirby and the Rainbow Curse several years later!
- This becomes even more amusing in hindsight, when an instrumental of said song
- "WHERE'RE ALL THE DINOSAURS AT?!" (Loud smashing noise)
- Even funnier when you realize birds are the direct descendants of dinosaurs that had evolved flight (something Tokkori lampshades earlier in the episode), which means Dedede himself is a dinosaur (assuming he really is a penguin).
- Dedede revealing and talking through his wonky painting in Dedede's Monsterpiece;
- Even better — when everyone does break down in laughter at it, Kirby is the only one not laughing — he's still glaring at Dedede in a hilariously-angry way over being called lumpy!
- It's even funnier in the original version because that's NOT the reason Kirby gets mad at him. The real reason is because Dedede drew Kirby shitting himself! Apparently, Kirby is appalled at the idea of him pooping.
- Escargoon gets the same treatment!
- In the episode "Power Ploy", Kirby is about to be eaten by the Monster of the Week... then Kawasaki tosses a bottle of Pump Up D into his mouth and Kirby gets SWOLE
◊. It looks as ridiculous as you'd expect.
- In that same episode, there's this exchange:
- Sword and Blade discussing Sir Ebrum's Pot Roast in Episode 82 (Cooking Up Trouble)-
- Lady Like's breakdown over a single wrinkle toward the beginning of A Sunsational Surprise, especially when she ends up Breaking the Fourth Wall-
- Tiff's reaction to seeing herself get turned into an anime
(The Tiff Show) in Tooned Out.
- When the cartoon is first shown, King Dedede and Escargoon's jaws hit the floor, and they spend the rest of the episode staring at the projector screen in complete shock.
- And afterwards, when she steals Dedede's Hammer and chases Biggy, Boney and Sleepy around with it in utter rage-
- Shortly after the chase begins, Kirby joins in running with the animators, with a big goofy grin on his face.
- Dedede and Escargoon attempt to see how a Waddle Dee eats
- Even better, when Dedede comments, "That's weird!", the Waddle Dee actually nods!
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